DMV area Climate Revival Hub and Social Justice Retreat

When: Sep. 28 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Where: River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation 6301 River Rd, Bethesda, MD 20817

RSVP here by September 14th. It helps us plan a quality experience (including lunch)! 

As part of the nation-wide UU climate revival, the Potomac Partnership and the UU Mid-Atlantic Network for the Environment (UU-MANE) will host a climate revival and social justice retreat for DC area UUs at River Road UUC. 

  • Explore and deepen our entire social justice ministry. While the event uses a climate justice lens, activities intentionally build connections between many issues we care about. 
  • Connect with Unitarian Universalists throughout our region who share values of building a better world. 
  • Find inspiration to make a difference locally.
  • A kids space for ages 8 and under will be provided, and we are looking into other potential children and youth activities.

Climate change is a reality we are living with that more deeply impacts those who are already vulnerable because of issues like racism (see this TED talk about the growing numbers of climate refugees). This fall, UUs around the country will begin hosting Climate Justice Revivals to collectively reimagine a spirit-filled and liberatory future. Through conversations, worship, and advocacy, we will work together to realize climate justice and collective liberation in our communities. This revival/retreat is a way all of us can come together to create a more powerful voice for change.