Recognizing & Resisting Fascism

Join Pastor Kirk and Steve Loudermilk for a three-session course exploring the rise of fascism, its connections to religious institutions and society, and practical strategies for resisting authoritarianism, all rooted in our shared Unitarian Universalist values. This fully online course will meet on Zoom.

Rev. Cecilia Kingman’s lecture, “My Little Pony Was Right: Fascism Without and Within,” will serve as a primary text for the course. The lecture can be read and viewed via the UU Ministers Association website.

For those who wish to dive deeper into the scholarship, engage in meaningful reflection, and explore practical strategies for resisting fascism and its societal impacts, a three-session course will follow:

  • Tuesday, February 4, 7pm – 8:30pm
  • Tuesday, February 11, 7pm – 8:30pm
  • Tuesday, February 18, 7pm – 8:30pm

Please RSVP for the lecture screening and/or continued study by using this form to participate and receive the Zoom link.

UU Institute Course Offering: Coming of Age for Adults

Beginning in February, Davies congregants will come together to take the UU Institute‘s free online course Coming of Age for Adults: Building a Faithful UU Identity.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in weekly conversations with UUs around the world in the First UU Discord, an online UU community. Additionally, Pastor Kirk has offered to convene live discussions online with Davies congregants.

Please contact Pastor Kirk for more information.