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ADORE: A Dialogue on Race and Ethnicity
May 10, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
A forum where we explore racial and ethnic issues to learn more about ourselves and about people who may have different feelings. Open Discussion Period: Participants are encouraged to discuss events that prompted them to reflect on their own racial identity. Facilitator’s Discussion Questions: · The UUA has adopted seven (7) aspirational principles as its foundational beliefs and/or action goals (list provided). Today, the UUA is involved in and committed to anti-racism efforts/activities. Should the UUA adopt a proposed 8th principle that speaks to its anti-racism activities or are UUA’s adopted seven aspirational principles sufficiently motivational and stimulating to undertake the challenge? (Description of 8th Principle provided)· What is your take-away from the essay of Dr. Eric Anthony Grollman, entitled, “White People: Yes, It Is Difficult For You To Talk About Race-That’s Part of Racism’s Design?” (Reading provided)· What is your take-away from the “Doctrine of Discovery” (Pope Alexander VI’s Demarcation Bull of 1493) regarding religion, culture, and race; then and now? (Reading provided)