A Message from Rev. Norm – Worship Online Only This Sunday

Friends – I write to you with important news. To keep our congregation safe and healthy – and to meet our responsibilities to the larger community – the Board and I have reached the unanimous decision to close the Davies building and to offer this Sunday’s worship service online.We’re so grateful to those of you who have shared your expertise on these matters, and who forwarded important resources. Our faith tradition places a high value on scientific evidence – and all the science points to the importance of “social distancing” prior to case numbers rising. That means now.
While the building will be closed on Sunday, our hearts will be open as we gather in a creative, personal, online format that allows full participation during our hour together. You’ll be able to join us online at 10:30 by clicking HERE or pasting this link into your browser: https://zoom.us/j/167421937
Many of you have already used ZOOM for Davies classes, meetings, and Listening Circles. I promise that the rest of you will find it easy to access. You’ll find a ZOOM tutorial HERE. It will give you the simple steps to get started.
ZOOM allows us to see each other online and to be in conversation – not passive audience members but fully engaged congregants. I’ll lead the service from my home. Jessica Millstead will fill the role of Worship Associate from her home. And Music Director Rick Peralta will bring his instrumental gifts to us from his home.
Indeed, I encourage you to embrace the homey nature of this event! When you join us on Sunday morning, you can choose to be visible, or not. You might want to appear comfy and cozy in your most stylish pajamas. You’ll probably want a cup of tea or coffee at your side. You might even have a candle ready to light as Jessica leads us in our Chalice Lighting.
One of my personal joys during recent ZOOM-based gatherings has been the sudden appearance of children on the scene. Please encourage your youngest family members to pop in, to give us a wave, and to share – especially – during our time of Joys & Sorrows.
During those Joys & Sorrows, everyone will be invited to participate, just like any other Sunday. We’ll also have Board Member Breanna Williams monitoring our “Chat Room.” If you want to share a personal insight – or offer a word of congratulations or solidarity – you can do so by typing a few words for others to see.
Online worship will be a new experience for us all. No doubt there will be glitches and stumbling points – and lots of room to laugh at our digital foibles. It’s certain to be a joyous and meaningful hour together. I look forward to seeing you online!
In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns by writing to me at minister@daviesuu.org. And watch for tomorrow’s E-Minder, which will have further updates!
All good things, Rev. Norman Allen