The Board of Trustees

The Davies congregation conducts its business in keeping with the Fifth Principle of Unitarian Universalism: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.”

As such the Board of Trustees is elected by the congregation and represents them throughout the year. The 2023-24 Board of Trustees are:

  • President: Kristine Ouedraogo
  • Vice Pres: Breanna Williams
  • Treasurer: Sandy Greenberg
  • Secretary: Leslie Gould
  • Trustee: Lora Bennett
  • Trustee: Bernadette Carroll
  • Trustee: Kate Shanbarger
  • Trustee: Sheri Verdonk

Teams and Committees

Lay leaders play crucial roles at Davies. Volunteers clean, garden, and keep the premises in good repair. The Religious Education Committee ensures that our youngest members are appropriately challenged and supported. A healthy financial endowment is managed by savvy members. Sunday worship is supported by a team of creative souls. Social justice endeavors benefit from the experience of seasoned activists. Hospitality is organized by folks for whom “radical welcome” is a way of life.

Current Committees and Teams include:

  • 8th Principle Committee
  • Building Use and Operations
  • Committee on Ministry
  • Endowment Committee
  • Memorial Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Pastoral Care Team
  • Religious Education Committee
  • Stewardship & Hospitality
  • Worship Committee

A Quartet of Lay Preachers

The Lay Preacher Team works together to craft worship services – and sermons – that reflect the diverse interests and needs of the community. Previous work as Worship Associates and Lay Leaders ensures that the team both nurtures and challenges the community during their Sundays in the pulpit.