We are a diverse community, offering dynamic worship services, opportunities for conversation and contemplation, and the chance to make a difference in the world.

Across the generations, our members are united in a passion for social justice and for the lifelong search for truth and meaning captured in our faith’s Fourth Principle.

Following a year of discernment, the congregation recently voted to change its name from Davies Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church to Davies Unitarian Universalist Congregation. The more inclusive name reflects the intention to be fully welcoming of members – and potential members — from all faith backgrounds, and from none.

The following year, the congregation entered a similar time of discernment prior to a unanimous vote to adopt the 8th Principle, which made tangible their commitment to the work of anti-racism and anti-oppression.

Emerging from the challenges of the COVID shutdown, the congregation worked hard to provide worship services – and other gatherings – that would be available to all, regardless of health status or personal level of comfort. The result can now be seen in dynamic Sunday mornings that reach far beyond the walls of the Sanctuary.