Adult Spiritual Formation at Davies

Friends – I’m thrilled to share the details for upcoming Adult Spiritual Formation opportunities, including dates, times, and registration information. It’s an exciting range of offerings, and I’m deeply grateful to the lay leaders who have made it all possible. I look forward to seeing you online in the coming months! All good things – Rev. Norm

Year-Round Gatherings
(No Registration Required)

ADORE: A Dialogue on Race & Ethnicity
Second Fridays, 7-8:30pm
ADORE is a signature program of the Davies community and central to our 8th Principle work as we focus on dismantling racism and systems of oppression. Gatherings often include brief readings or videos followed by a facilitated conversation. Details will be in your E-Minder. Facilitated by members Sheri Verdonk and Daniel Whalen. (Access the online gathering HERE.)

Soul Matters Exploration 
Second Sundays after Worship, Fourth Fridays at 7pm
This year, participants have the opportunity to take a deep dive into the monthly Soul Matters materials. The first gathering of the month offers an overview of the topic and suggested spiritual practices. The second gathering is a group exercise in deep listening and empathy. Both offer the chance to explore our first source, direct experience of mystery and wonder, as we live into the third principle: acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth. Facilitated by member Adrienne York-Minor. (Access the online gathering HERE.)

Thoughts About Prayer
Fourth Wednesdays at 7pm
This monthly gathering invites participants to explore the nature and meaning of prayer in our daily lives and how it strengthens us as Unitarian Universalists. In a faith tradition that has sometimes been dismissive of the practice, we’ll uncover the benefits of prayer in our own liberal, open-minded, always-curious congregation. Facilitated by member Steve Loudermilk. (Access the online gathering HERE.)

Scheduled Courses and Conversations
Click HERE to register for any of the courses listed below.
You will receive Zoom links and materials from your facilitators.

Facilitation Workshop
Tuesday, September 20, 7-8pm
Facilitating conversations is a fine art and calls for some specific skills. This one-hour workshop is a great way to gain – or refresh – those skills. It is highly recommended (not quite required) for anyone interested in facilitating the many conversations that happen at Davies, including Post-Service Discussions. Facilitated by Rev. Norman Allen

Readings in Unitarian Universalism
Tuesdays at 7pm, October 25 thru November 22
A five-week series of conversations centered on readings from the Unitarian Universalist tradition, past to present. A great opportunity for those new to the faith, and for those who want to take a deeper dive into our rich heritage. Facilitated by Rev. Norman Allen. 

A Visit with Poetry
Saturday at 4pm, January 14
A one-time, online opportunity to enjoy the work of well-known poets, discuss the poetry process, and share some written-on-the-spot poetry by you! Facilitated by member Hiram Larew.

Exploring “The 1619 Project”
Wednesdays at 7pm, January 18, February 1 & 15
Living into our commitment to the 8th Principle, we’ll explore the riches of “The 1619 Project,” which seeks to reframe American history with the institution of slavery at its core. Specific chapters of this expansive work will be selected and discussed within the context of the book’s larger themes. Participants can attend all three sessions or choose those that interest them most. Facilitated by 8th Principle Committee members Linda Gravely, Sandy Greenberg, and Sheri Verdonk.