Exploring the 8th Principle

Throughout this winter and spring, the Davies community will be in discernment regarding the addition of an 8th Principle to the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism.

Twenty individual congregations have already voted to adopt the 8th Principle, while the Unitarian Universalist Association continues to discuss the issue on a national level.

The Principle, if adopted, calls the congregation to…

journey toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

The 8th Principle Task Force at Davies has put together a series of events to support the congregation in its work. Mark your calendars for these opportunities to gain greater knowledge, and enter into conversation.

Sunday, February 2 at 12:15pm – “8th Principle 101” – Learn basics about the principle, its origins, and its purpose. [If you missed it, the short slideshow is here.]

Wednesday, February 12 at 6:30pm – “Listening Circle” onsite at Davies – Join a facilitated conversation to explore the 8th Principle and its relevance to the Davies community.

Thursday, February 20 at 7pm  – “Listening Circle” ONLINE – This ZOOM-based conversation means you can participate from home!

Saturday, February 22 at 6:30pm – “James Baldwin: I Am Not Your Negro” – Join us for a screening and discussion of this powerful film featuring James Baldwin and offering a journey into black history that connects the Civil Rights movement to #BlackLivesMatter.

Additional opportunities will be announced soon. Check back for news of events to be held in March and April.