Sorrowful but Hopeful News

Dear Friends – I write to you this morning with a heavy heart, but one full of hope as well. After much deliberation, my partner Gary and I have decided that it’s time for our next chapter. Over the summer, we’ll be moving to New England to be close to family and friends as we embark on a new adventure. (I’ll be serving a Unitarian Universalist congregation in that region, but I’m still in discernment about exactly where that will be.)
This will be a sad time, certainly for me. I have a deep love for the Davies congregation and am grateful for the amazing work that we’ve done together. In many ways, the last six years are an example of how a congregation and a minister can collaborate to achieve great things. The success of that shared ministry is illustrated in the fact that this transition will be a sorrowful one but not, in any way, a crisis. This congregation is strong and creative and ready to move boldly forward.

I’ve decided to ignore the suggested protocol in these situations and to share the news well in advance of my departure. I am still fully and joyfully your minister until June 30! That gives us lots of time to enjoy each other’s company – and it gives your leaders lots of time to plan. The Board and I have an all-day retreat coming up where we’ll discuss the exciting options that lie ahead. Soon after that, you’ll be invited to join a series of Listening Circles to explore your own vision of Davies’ future.

I’ll share a few thoughts about all of this during the service on Sunday. The brief Congregational Meeting to follow will be focused solely on electing your Delegates to General Assembly. At the conclusion of that meeting, I’ll host an informal Post-Service Discussion for those who would like to hear more about my decision, or who wish to share any thoughts. But remember, we’ll have lots of opportunities to be together in the months ahead! It’s not time to think about goodbyes quite yet.

Over the last six years, you may have noticed that I always end my letters with the words “All good things…” I hope you’ll allow me to end this one…

With love,

Rev. Norm