Our religious education programs have two aims: 1) to develop a Unitarian Universalist identity that uses our history and theology as a foundation for advancing justice and compassion in the world, and 2) to support members of all ages as they develop a personal theology built upon inquiry, discovery, and knowledge of the world’s religions.

Prospects for religious exploration for teens and adults include:

  • A course in “Unitarian Universalist History and Theology” as we work together to celebrate our rich past and promising future as a people of faith.
  • Post-service discussions that bring adults and teens together around challenging sermon topics.
  • Field trips to religious sites, such as a Hindu Temple, the National Cathedral, and the Islamic Center.
  • Gallery visits that explore the spirituality to be uncovered in works of visual art.
  • Site visits associated with the Civil Rights Movement and with the history of slavery and oppression in the United States. Included are the National Museum of African American History and Culture and historic plantations, where we’ll reconsider the attributes of our “founding fathers.”
  • An intergenerational pilgrimage to Boston is possible in 2023. Included would be visits to key sites such as Walden Pond, Plymouth Plantation, and UUA headquarters.